Saturday, April 2, 2016

"Could you tone it down? No! There is no kill switch for "Au-some!"

This month is Autism Awareness month, and today, 4/2/16 is World Autism Day.

I never thought I would be writing about this or try to spread awareness of this day.

There are so many things I could say about this subject, and yet kinda hard to put into
words. But, one thing I do want to share is what actually goes on behind the scenes Autism.

Autism has a funny way of changing your life plans.  When you have a kid, you dream
of teaching them the things you loved doing when you were little.

You teach them the basic things, to speak, ABC's, 1,2,3 and shapes.
Then when they get older, you can't wait for the day to teach them how to play catch,
play one on one basketball, and also how to ride a bike.

When Autism is brought to the table, it puts your life on hold, and the thought
 you may have to say goodbye to seeing your child achieve these dreams you have for them.

 Let me just say Autism is not a death sentence or hasn't ruined our lives forever. Also, 
I am not saying every kid that has Autism won't be able to achieve these things, but
there is a chance that it will be very difficult for them, or something they won't be able
to understand.

When someone experiences death in life, you will go through a cycle called " The five stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance."

My sister died, I was 10 years old. At 10, I experienced all of these stages.
I couldn't believe this was happening to my family and I. I was mad and so angry.
I made pleas and bargains with my Heavenly Father. I even remember begging to him 
that I would promise to be nice to my younger sister if he would bring her back.

Then set in the depression. 

This loss was real, and I couldn't bear it. I couldn't believe something like this could happen to my 
family and I.  

Then, the last stage, acceptance.

Do we ever really make it to this stage?

Yes, I know that she passed away. I finally accepted the fact she was gone.

She physically will not be at family functions, laughing on the couch with her sisters, or physically be here to see her sisters get married and have babies. But one thing I know for sure, she is here with us all the time. It may not be physically, but she is always with us.

But I don't think we can ever comprehend why they had to leave this life at such a young age.
I don't think I will ever accept that yet till I see my Heavenly Father again.

When you have child with special needs, you go through the five stages of grief, again.
Denial, Denial, Denial.

I think we went through that few times, (hence I typed it three times.)

No parent wants to believe that something could be wrong with their child.
You have a plan. You have dreams, and plans for the future for your child.

Yes, for a while, I kept saying, "No, he is fine! Nothing is wrong with him!"
Which, I was right. Nothing is wrong with him, but he would have a long journey in store for him.

Dezmin was diagnosed with Autism last October. Sagean and I knew he had it, but actually hearing
the words from the Doctor...left us speechless. We left the office, and started crying in the parking lot.
What was going to be in store for us now?

I believe that Kassi and our Heavenly Father sent this beautiful blessing to us because they
knew we could do it.
Even though there are days I feel like I am not being the best parent I could be,
they are trusting me and having faith in us to raise this beautiful boy.

When the official diagnosis was given, immediately came the words of comfort,love and support. With that, also came the hurtful, crazy remarks.

I have the most amazing family and friends who have showed us love and support from the very beginning! They mean so much to us and personally want to thank them for everything they have 
done for us! We love you all!

I wish people would think before they speak. Honestly, it would make the world 
a better place. Simple, right?  As soon as Dezmin was given the diagnosis, in came the crazy, rude remarks from people.

"Oh, he has Autism? Prepared to get divorced!"

"Don't you think a physical disability would be easier than a mental disability?"

"Are you sure he has Autism? He looks normal to me."

"Oh, he's fine! He is just going through a phase, he will outgrow it."

Or my "Favorite one,"  and honestly, if I hear it uttered one more time,
I will strangle them.

"Have you thought that vaccines caused his Autism?"

Ugh! Really? Just don't say anything more about that because you will not like what will
come out of my mouth.

First of all, I don't need some random person talking to me about my Marriage.
We are a forever family and it will always stay that way, no matter what comes 
our way. 
Honestly, Autism isn't a death sentence. I know this journey will be difficult, but I have
.been through worst things than this. 

Yes, I know that parents with kids with special needs, the divorce rate is high. Like really, really high.
Yes, it does scare me. Of course it does!
But I don't need someone telling me how my marriage is going to be.
Pretty sure we didn't invite you into our marriage...thanks for your two cents though buddy! :)

I won't go on about the other things, but when you don't know what to say to someone who is a parent
of a special needs kid, just remember not to say those things, and everything will be ok and no one will get a Junk Punch. :)

Through this journey, I have found new friends who know exactly what I am going through and that is, without a doubt, a beautiful and wonderful gift! We laugh, we cry, we hug, cry some more, and laugh again. I am also thankful for the support groups I am apart of.
If anyone has a family member or know someone who has a special needs kid, please tell 
them to throw themselves into a support group.
Yes, I said throw. This is like life support to them, and will definitely help them through this journey we call life.

Ok, enough of the sad talk.

I want to share some stuff that we go through from time to time.
and I promise you, if you can't laugh through the hard times, life is going to be pretty difficult. Find humor and it will get you through the sad times in life. :)

Dezmin has some sensory issues with his mouth. He is always seeking this need and always put's stuff in his mouth.

Electrical cords, books, crayons, dirt, rocks and etc.

So thank goodness they have sensory toys and jewelry for kiddos like Dezmin.

 So pictured here is his chewlery. It has helped him so much and keeps him from chewing on things he shouldn't.

Also, kids with sensory issues like this, his speech therapist's and Occupational Therapist recommend
little sensory vibrators.


Hahaha, I can't help but laugh about this, but it does help.

I laugh when I have to explain to other people why he needs these.
The conversation usually goes like this...

"Sorry! No, this isn't some weird sex toy. It's a sensory vibrator that helps with
my son's sensory needs and helps him calm down."

I love the looks I get when he has his little "Buzzer." I can't help but laugh.

I am blessed that Dezmin choose me to be his mom.
He is a blessing to our little family.
I can't imagine life without him.
He is truly "Au-some!"

We have our good days, when he makes progress and are so proud of his little triumphs!
We get really excited when he try's a new food, tries to talk, and so much more.

Also, there are days when we hear that he is developmentally behind kids his age.
When cousins and kids his age are talking, potty trained, and excelling developmentally.

Those are the days I am thankful for my family, friends, Camp Hippo, his speech therapist, his Occupational Therapy team, and of course, Sushi.

Sushi is always the right choice!

Happy World Autism Day!

I love you all,


Thursday, October 15, 2015

What is Sensory Processing Disorder & Autism Spectrum Disorder?

October is Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) awareness month.
Many have asked me what that is, and honestly, I am terrible at explaining what it is.
I am still trying to understand it, but from SPD foundation website (
It says "Sensory processing (sometimes called "sensory integration" or SI) is a term that refers to the way the nervous system receives messages from the senses and turns them into appropriate motor and behavioral responses. Whether you are biting into a hamburger, riding a bicycle, or reading a book, your successful completion of the activity requires processing sensation or "sensory integration." Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD, formerly known as "sensory integration dysfunction") is a condition that exists when sensory signals don't get organized into appropriate responses. Pioneering occupational therapist and neuroscientist A. Jean Ayres, PhD, likened SPD to a neurological "traffic jam" that prevents certain parts of the brain from receiving the information needed to interpret sensory information correctly. A person with SPD finds it difficult to process and act upon information received through the senses, which creates challenges in performing countless everyday tasks. Motor clumsiness, behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, school failure, and other impacts may result if the disorder is not treated effectively."

Still confused, too! So basically in a nut shell, this is what Dezmin has.
He has a difficult time waving, talking, using utensils, and basic activities of daily living.

Hopefully these pictures help to explain what life is like for our little guy.
To be honest, I was in dark place when we found out Dezmin was experiencing some delays.
I lived in constant fear that he wouldn't excel at things like his younger cousins were doing.
He would not respond to his name, no eye contact, and he stopped talking all together.
I cried, and cried and cried. I also kept thinking about what would his future be like for him, then I would cry some more. Believe me, I still cry about this some days, but I am feeling so hopeful about this now. We have beautiful blessing in our family. He is what I prayed for and we are so proud of his accomplishments already.
So what is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Again, I am terrible at explaining.
Autism Speaks ( ) defines ASD as "Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized, in varying degrees, by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors.
 Each individual with autism is unique. Many of those on the autism spectrum have exceptional abilities in visual skills, music and academic skills. About 40 percent have average to above average intellectual abilities. Indeed, many persons on the spectrum take deserved pride in their distinctive abilities and “atypical” ways of viewing the world. Others with autism have significant disability and are unable to live independently. About 25 percent of individuals with ASD are nonverbal but can learn to communicate using other means. Autism Speaks’ mission is to improve the lives of all those on the autism spectrum. For some, this means the development and delivery of more effective treatments that can address significant challenges in communication and physical health. For others, it means increasing acceptance, respect and support."
So what is the relationship between these two? SPD foundation explains it perfectly. (
"When two disorders co-exist in one person, the phenomenon is known as "comorbidity." The SPD Foundation has sponsored and conducted a number of studies into the comorbidity of SPD with other common childhood disorders such as ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders including Asperger's, Fragile X Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome, and other diagnoses.
Children whose Sensory Processing Disorder conforms to the under-responsivity subtype typically require a great deal of stimulation in order to become alert and active, a behavior often seen in children with autistic spectrum disorders. Meanwhile, other children with ASD have symptoms more similar to the over-responsive subtype of SPD. Because Autism and SPD both have over-responding and under-responding categories, they are sometimes mistaken for another. The relationship between SPD and Autism is an area of great interest to scientists and families living with the condition. Studies by the SPD Foundation suggest that more than three-quarters of children with autistic spectrum disorders have significant symptoms of Sensory Processing Disorder.
However, the reverse is not true. Most children with SPD do not have an autistic spectrum disorder! Our research suggests that the two conditions are distinct disorders just as SPD and ADHD are different disorders.
Appropriate intervention relies upon accurate diagnosis. Pursuing an evaluation for SPD by a qualified occupational therapist with sensory integration training facilitates diagnosis that distinguishes autistic spectrum issues from sensory issues. This distinction increases the likelihood that your child will receive the appropriate treatment for his or her neurological conditions.
With further research into the relationship of SPD and autistic spectrum disorders, the SPD Foundation hopes to facilitate better more appropriate invention for all children who have either – or both – SPD and Autism."

Ya my brain hurts too. It is a lot to take in. I am still learning something new everyday with these disorders. All these development milestones and red flags....blah,blah,blah. One thing I have to remember is, strive for progress, not perfection. How awesome is this?
I look at him and I am so proud of him! He has progressed so much already.

Yesterday, His Occupational Therapist texted me saying he SPOKE! Umm...what? FOR REAL and of course I missed it! He said "Please" clear as day. I cried with tears of joy! I am so proud of him!

His progress, determination, smile, hugs and his slobbery, Honey Comb Kisses will always outweigh my sadness or worry. He is our blessing! We are so proud of you Dezmin!

Friday, May 29, 2015

"Thank you for informing me that you have a stick family figure of 6...your minivan had me under the impression you were wild and single."

I just can't get enough of these e-cards that reflect motherhood. Please don't take offensive if you drive a minivan or have stick figures, I just couldn't help but laugh when I saw this e-card, so naturally I had to use this as my post. Because, we all know I scream wild and single....haha.

A couple posts ago, I wrote about my cute little boy Dezmin. I mentioned how he has been experiencing some development delays and other areas that are being evaluated for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). ASD uses a spectrum to describe how mild, moderate, or severe a person's Autism can be. We do not know if he has it or not, but as of right now, we are taking care of his speech delay and his sensory processing disorder needs.

We have been taking him to Camp HIPPO out in Riverside, and just within the couple months he has been out there, we have seen SO MUCH IMPROVEMENT! It is absolutely amazing! He improves every time he goes back. His eye contact has improved, he is doing better around crowds, and is starting to communicate and sign even more. Also, he is starting to point to things.  We are so proud of him! We love his occupational and speech therapist. They are seriously the best! He loves going to school!

I take for granted the simple things I can do. I can walk, talk, and etc. For Dezmin, he wouldn't respond to his name, make eye contact, point to things, make animal sounds, or even put a play phone up to his ear. These simple things, have been a huge accomplishment for Dez. We are so proud of him and his hard work.

I think every parent can agree with me that we will always worry about our kids. No matter what they are going through. We never want to see them struggle or see them in pain. A few things that I have taken from this experience is that We are so quick to judge other parents and their parenting skills. I firmly believe, that if parents love their kids unconditionally and teach them to treat others kind, then they are great parents and their kids will be successful. You can tell that they would do anything for their kids, even if it means making huge sacrifices. I believe that sometimes we are too quick to judge on how parents raise their kids. We all do it, and sadly we have all felt judged by others too. The important thing to remember is that we all are  on the same boat. To the women who can't bare children or who don't want children, this does not make you bad person or less of a women. We all have our crosses to bare. This is where our true colors shine.  We all have the potential to be successful and strong. Whether it be in parenthood, your career, or whatever you are passionate about. Don't be too quick to judge others and don't take the simple things for granted.  We are all on the same boat.  :)

Monday, April 27, 2015

This is for all those who have experienced heartache 15 years ago today...

This day, 15 years ago changed my life and my family's life. This day 15 years ago, I was at my friends house having the time of my life and didn't think I would receive devastating news about my family.

You never think something like this can happen to you or your family. Why could God do this to a family? Why did you tear this family apart? How can we ever get through this? Yes, I did think those things. A 9 year old should never have to think about those things,but yes, I did.  It's hard to admit that I had those feelings. I was mad at my Heavenly Father. Why did our older sister have to leave two little sisters behind? Why did a daughter have to leave her parents? What was Heavenly Father's reason for taking two lives?

We may never know why Heavenly Father took two special kids from our lives, but what I do know is, that he needed them back for a more important mission. We may not why, but I know they are in good hands and continue to watch over our family and friends.

There are times I do wish Kassi was here. I wanted her here to tell her about my first crush, first kiss, my first heartbreak, graduation, engagements, weddings, and the birth of my son. Those are times I wish I could call her up and tell her everything. My heart aches and wishes she was here, but actually she is always around us. She always has been.

It has taken me while to accept that. I always wanted her to appear to me or to give me signs. I was selfish and wanted her to tell me everything was going to be ok. I would hear of lost loved ones appearing to their families and I wanted that too. I was jealous and angry. Why couldn't I have that too? But, I did. I see her in everything. I feel that she is with us when we gather with family, when we have trials and so many other things. I can feel her the most through my beautiful son, Dezmin.

I see her through everything Dezmin does. I know she played a big part of preparing Dezmin for me. She took care of him and got to spend time with him before he was sent to me. Dezmin did know his Aunt Kassi and did get to see her. She is always with him and she is his is guardian angel.

I also see Kassi through my little sister. Taylor is a great example to me and has grown into a beautiful woman. She was just little when Kassi passed away. So much heartache for a little girl, yet she acted like the older sister. When I had seizures, Taylor would sit by the bathroom when I would take a shower just to make sure I didn't have a seizure in the shower. I didn't know she did this till much later. If that isn't a role of a big sister, I don't know what is. She is more of a big sister than I am and she is a wonderful aunt to Dezmin. I know Kassi is with us by the way Taylor is an Aunt to my beautiful boy. She is filled with so much love towards him and she looks so much like Kassi. When Tay walked down the isle to be married to Chris, It felt like Kassi was right by her side. I couldn't help but cry. I know she is with you Tay! Always remember that.

My parents, they are my superhero's! They have gone through so much, and yet they are still together! Still going strong! I can't imagine losing child. Now that I have a child, this will always be a fear of mine. I look at my parents and realize how strong they had to be for our family. Not only did they lose their first kid, but they had to keep going on for two other kids. I know they must of felt like shutting down, but they kept going for me and Tay. I know they made huge sacrifices for us and I know that I can never repay them for that. I must say though, they make amazing grandparents!
I know Kassi is always with us through the love they give to their grandson. The love and care they have for Dezmin shows me that Kassi is always with us.

It has taken me a while to grasp this. Of course I would love more signs or a visit from Kassi, but I know she is here. These are her signs! She helped me find my wonderful husband, and blessed me with a wonderful child.

I also see Kassi through my Cousin Kristina. Kristina, I am so glad you are still with us today! I can't imagine what you had to go through. My heart aches for you, but you are so strong! I know those scars on your body is a constant reminder of what happened 15 years, but it shows that you survived that and that you can survive anything that comes your way. I am so proud of you and the mother that you have become. I know Kassi and Dusty are with you Always! Thanks for everything that you do!

Bodkin Family, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers always! Dusty was a great guy and had a great sense of humor! I know he is with you guys too in everything that you do.

To everyone who has lost a loved one, you are strong! I know you may want signs or to see your lost loved one again, But I have testimony that they are always with you. They are with you in everything that you do. Always look for those signs. Those signs are through your family, your children and also at times when you feel like you can't go on.

Kassi, I can't wait to see you again. Everyday that passes by, I am one day closer to seeing you!
I miss you and love you so so much.

Till we meet again Kassi,


1. God be with you till we meet again; 
 by his counsels guide, uphold you, 
 with his sheep securely fold you; 
 God be with you till we meet again. 
 Till we meet, till we meet, 
 till we meet at Jesus' feet;
 till we meet, till we meet, 
 God be with you till we meet again. 

2. God be with you till we meet again;
 neath his wings securely hide you, 
 daily manna still provide you; 
 God be with you till we meet again. 

3. God be with you till we meet again; 
 when life's perils thick confound you,
 put his arms unfailing round you; 
 God be with you till we meet again. 

4. God be with you till we meet again; 
 keep love's banner floating o'er you, 
 smite death's threatening wave before you; 
 God be with you till we meet again.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Motherhood: Because having your own food, drink, shower, bed and bathroom would be so over rated.

           Yes, I am getting back on the blog bandwagon again, but I'll try not to bore you to death.
It has been two years since my last post and a lot has happened since!

           Sagean and I were blessed a beautiful baby boy on June 14th, 2013. He has been a blessing to us! Sagean has also finished nursing school and now is a Registered Nurse. Dezmin and I are so proud of his hard work and accomplishments! He works hard for us so I can stay home and take care of Dezmin.

         The main reason I felt like sharing this post is because I feel like I need to share what motherhood has taught me. Also, I'm I doing this motherhood thing right? Does any mother feel this way? Am I the only one who is going ape shiz? :)

          Anyways, back to the point. Motherhood is down right scary, but very very rewarding. You can't help but think, am I raising my kid the right way? His he going to be ok? Did he try to eat sand? Is that....snot on me? Yup, it sure is! 

          Let me just say, I love being Dezmin's mom. I always worry about him. I'm sure all parents feel the same way about the kids. The constant worry is always there, and always on your mind. The million dollar question, "How can I keep them safe?" or "How can I protect them?" This beautiful boy of mine has taught me so much already. He is what makes me want to be a better person.  I don't think of myself has a patient person, but he has taught me so much about patient then anyone ever could. 

        Dezmin has always been a happy boy. He reached all of his milestones of sitting up, crawling, and walking at great stages. 

        As a parent, I think we can all agree we never want to see our kids struggle. We always think, will they be "normal" like the other kids. Will they be accepted? Will they play sports, or play like the other kids? Is there a chance that my kid might have Autism? Yes, the A word....Autism.

        It took me a while to admit that Dez was having some delays. I ignored the fact that he wouldn't respond to his name, or wouldn't make eye contact. I would get so mad and frustrated when my family would come up to me and say these things. I cried, My son is perfect, nothing is wrong with him. I was being selfish. I didn't want to admit that my son needed help. It wasn't till my family sat me down and said, he is having some delays, he does need help. That's when it hit me, like a ton of bricks. He does need help, and I have been my own little world trying to ignore the fact that he had delays. I've never felt so helpless and scared in my life.

      I know Dez doesn't have any life threatening health concern, and that there are many other kids who are going through more trials than him, but I think any parent can agree that even a small thing trial that our kids go through can scare any parent to death. 

      We took Dezmin to a Pediatrician and he evaluated him. He told us that he does have some concerns and would like him evaluated by the infant and toddler program and maybe there cold be a chance he could have autism. Really? You couldn't have given me a plain, fast answer? I wanted to know right than and there. What do we need to do? How can I help my son. How can I protect him and keep him safe? How can I help prevent this? Those were things that went through my mind. We also got his hearing tested too. I had problems with my hearing and still to this day. I never thought that I wanted my son to have a hearing problem. Yes, I wanted my son to have a hearing problem instead of admitting that it could be something more complicated. I've never felt more selfish in my life. Hearing problems can be treated many ways. I thought, this will be easier than that "A" word. I wanted an easy way out.

     He passsed! He passed his hearing test and can hear very well. I was so upset. Upset that my beautiful boy could hear? Really? How selfish is that? My mom, sister and the audiologist knew something was wrong. I was very short and wanted to leave. I should have been happy that my son could hear. Why was I acting this way? I still didn't want to admit that my son could have a big journey a head of him that I was scared to take with him. I was afraid to fail my son, but mostly, afraid what this trial could do to me as a parent. I wanted answers, and I wanted them fast!

     Dezmin has been in the infant and toddler program for the past three months and we have seen so much improvement already. When they first evaluated him, and asked me developmental questions, I kept asking, "Well, is that normal?" "Is he going to be like the other kids his age?" Yes, again I was being selfish. There was this beautiful, fun, loving kid of mine and I was still being selfish. It was then I realized, he's perfect me and I love him no matter what? Normal? What the heck is "normal" anyways? If we were all the same, it would be pretty dang boring, am I right?  

    Each child will develop at their own pace. Some will talk earlier than others, some will walk earlier than others and so on and so forth. I kept thinking of this as a race. It's so much more than that. It is seeing him grow, and learn about the world around him. This is where my patient started to grow. I was motivated to help him and get where he needed to be. He is starting to show better eye contact and respond to his name a little bit better! I am so proud of him! The smallest accomplishment to him is a big victory to me. He is also starting to go to Camp HIPPO. For those who don't know what that is, please look it up! They do great things for kids who have a variety of disabilities. Today, is his first  appointment with the occupational therapist and speech therapist. I am anxious to see what will happen, but so blessed that I can take him and be part of this wonderful journey. Yes, I never thought I would think of this of wonderful, but it is! I get to be his mom! A mom to a wonderful, fun, loving boy who wanted me to be his mom and this journey of his. I love his tight hugs and kisses that are hidden with snot, slobber and a little bit of smashed crackers.  

   "He is what God gave you. Love him for who is he is, not what he is." Amen. I couldn't agree more with this. I prayed and prayed to have beautiful boy like Dez! I chose him, and he chose us to be his parents. I am so blessed and honored to be his mom. 

     This month will be 14 years since Kassi has passed away. I still miss her like crazy! But, I know, that each day that passes, I'm one day closer to seeing her again. I know Kassi is Dezmin's guardian angel and has comforted us during this difficult time. I can't imagine how it is to lose a child, but I look at my parents, and they are my heroes. With all the heartache and sorrow they have gone through, they still have so much love to give, and I can see when they are around my Dezmin. They go above and beyond the title of grandparents. They are more than willing to help Dez with needs and   would do anything for him. I know Kassi is always with us and is always watching over us. We have been blessed with wonderful family and friends. 

     To my wonderful family and friends, I thank you for everything that you have done for us! We love you!!

Well I better sign off, Dez is demanding a baba (bottle) and is trying to take apart the dvd player to watch Elmo!

Much love,  


P.s If you see me hunched in the fetal position on the floor, it's only because I can't get Sesame Street songs out of my head and the voice of Elmo will be the death of me. :)


Monday, March 11, 2013

Going To Play Catch Up

I'm going to play catch up today. So much has changed within these past months!
Sagean and I now live in Twin Falls. I am so proud of him, he got accepted into the R.N program in August of 2012 and will be graduating in May of 2014. It has been my first time I have ever moved out of Blackfoot. It was a little different, but it has been good for Sagean and I. I sure do miss seeing my family everyday, but I'm glad we got to take this opportunity.

This is my last semester of pre-reqs, then I can sign up for my surgical assistant program. I'm pretty excited about it! Can't wait till I'm done with school.

Sagean and I shared some big news in November...We are expecting a baby boy! He will he make his appearance July 3rd....My Birthday!!!!!! I would love to share a birthday with our son! If he decides to show up that day! :) We wanted to wait to tell our family and friends till christmas, but we were too excited and couldn't keep a secret that long! His name will be Dezmond Kim Daw, Dez for short! We are so blessed and excited! I know Kassi is taking care of him before he arrives to his parents. Get to know your Aunt Kassi Dez, shes a great girl :) .

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

More Life Left To Go...

Lucky Like A Four Leaf Clover.

Been Married For A Month Today, School Is Back In Full Swing, Fall Is Upon Us, Fair Is Coming Up, Im Addicted To Pinterest....Got To Love August!
It is still shocking to me that I have been married for a month! That has gone by so fast! The Wedding was a blast and turned out better then I have imagined! I loved being with my family and friends, and of course sagean! We definately tore it up on the dance floor! And the Food was soooo good!
The next day, we left for vegas! It was a blast! Too hot for me though! Didnt really like how the weather was in the 120's, but it was still fun! Sagean and I had a blast! We did some shopping, walking around, and some gambling. We didnt see any shows, we didnt have that much time, but we will see a show next time. After we got home from our honeymoon, we moved our stuff into our apartment. It's cute! I love it! Sagean is my first roomate. :) Also, one of my best friends got married! Lexie Kershaw (Lexie Van Orden!) I Love that girl! I also worked with her at golds. I Miss that girl! She got married August 5th to Kolby Van Orden. They make a wonderful couple!
Yes, Im back in school. Still have a few more years under my belt....ugh...but i better get it done. I cant believe tay is in college baby sis in college....thats madness to me. She is growing up so fast!